Can Babies Eat Sour Cream? [Careful With This!]

There is nothing cuter than seeing your baby try new foods!

But infants have delicate little stomachs and are prone to allergic reactions and infantile botulism when the wrong food is given to them.

For example, you should avoid feeding honey and be careful giving maple syrup to your baby.

But can babies eat sour cream?

In this post, you will learn:

  • When to start feeding your baby sour cream
  • What soured cream substitutes you can use 
  • And more!

Can Babies Eat Sour Cream?

Babies can eat sour cream as early as 6 months, as long as it is pasteurized and given in moderation. However, sour cream is re-pasteurized after adding the live culture, removing the probiotics that would introduce good bacteria to your baby’s stomach. As a result, plain yogurt is a better alternative to sour cream.

When Can I Introduce Sour Cream To My Baby?

I see a lot of people asking if they can feed sour cream to their 7 month old, 9 month old, or if a one year old can have sour cream.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you should introduce cow’s milk to your child at 12 months old.

But, although sour cream is made with cow’s milk, giving a bit of sour cream to your baby is perfectly fine starting at 6 months old. 

However, make sure you speak to your pediatrician to consider the following:

  • Is your baby allergic to dairy or has other allergies?
  • Is your baby overweight/underweight?
  • Can you get hold of pasteurized sour cream? (Pasteurization involves heating sour cream until harmful bacteria is killed, making the product safe to eat)

Can I Add Sour Cream To Baby Food?

Yes, you can add a small amount of sour cream to baby food. Sour cream has a lot of calories and has a high fat content, so it is a perfect addition to food for babies who need to put on weight.

At 6 months old, your child can begin to eat solid food, which gives you plenty of options for adding sour cream to their food.

Try the following:

  • Add sour cream to vegetable or fruit purees
  • Mix sour cream when mashing potato
  • Add to soups
  • Mix with cereals
  • Cook some vegetable pieces and let your child dip them in sour cream

Things To Consider Before Buying Sour Cream For Your Baby

When buying sour cream for your baby, make sure you check the label and purchase pasteurized sour cream.

During pasteurization, harmful bacteria (Listeria monocytogenes) are killed making sour cream safe to feed to your baby.

A listeria infection presents itself as fever and flu-like symptoms, and it can be life-threatening in infants.

Soured Cream Substitute For Babies

Although sour cream is high in nutrients and may be given to infants as young as six months, plain yogurt is a preferable option. 

This is due to the fact that yogurt tastes similar to sour cream but preserves the live cultures that are instead eliminated from sour cream following re-pasteurization.


Is Sour Cream Pasteurized?

Most store-bought sour cream is pasteurized and safe for babies and pregnant women to eat. Pasteurization kills bad bacteria through heat, so make sure you always check the label before purchasing sour cream for your baby.

How Is Sour Cream Made?

Sour cream is prepared by combining a Streptococcus lactis culture with pasteurized light cream and incubating it at 72 degrees Fahrenheit. The incubation lasts until the required taste and thickness is achieved. The lactic acid released by the culture curdles the protein, thickening the cream and imparting its distinctive sour taste.


Although you can feed sour cream to your baby after they turn 6 months old, make sure you always consult your pediatrician as they can better advise based on your baby’s health history.

Always watch out for allergic reactions or anything weird you may see whenever giving new foods to your infant!