20 Hilarious Baby Shower Games for a Joyous Celebration

As someone who has planned baby showers in the past, I know how daunting it can be to plan a unique and entertaining baby shower for the parents-to-be.

You want to create an event that will not only celebrate the upcoming arrival of the little one, but also provide a fun and engaging atmosphere for all the guests.

One way to make sure your baby shower is a hit is by incorporating baby shower games that will keep everyone entertained and help create lasting memories.

In this blog post, I’ll share 20 hilarious baby shower games that you can use to plan the perfect celebration 🙂

Why You Should Plan Your Baby Shower Games

Baby shower games play a crucial role in creating a memorable and engaging experience for the guests.

They break the ice, encourage interaction, and provide laughter and entertainment.

It’s important to choose games that are inclusive and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their age or relationship to the parents-to-be.

20 Hilarious Baby Shower Games to Keep the Party Going

Below is the list of my 20 favorite games, along with instructions on how to play them:

1. Don’t Say Baby

  • Materials: Clothespins, a sign or poster explaining the game
  • Instructions: Give each guest a clothespin to wear on their clothing; they must avoid saying the word “baby” or risk having their clothespin taken by the person who catches them.
  • Winner: The guest with the most clothespins at the end of the party.

The “Don’t Say Baby” game is a simple yet effective icebreaker.

As guests arrive, hand them a clothespin and explain the rules.

Throughout the event, they’ll need to be mindful of their conversations and avoid saying the word “baby.”

When someone slips up and says the forbidden word, the person who catches them will claim their clothespin.

This game encourages friendly competition and keeps guests engaged as they try to collect the most clothespins.

2. Guess the Baby Food

  • Materials: Several jars of baby food with labels removed, spoons, paper and pens for guests.
  • Instructions: Guests taste the baby food and write down their guesses for each jar.
  • Winner: The guest with the most correct guesses.

In the “Guess the Baby Food” game, guests will put their taste buds to the test as they sample various jars of unlabeled baby food.

Set up a table with the baby food jars, spoons, and a tasting station for each guest.

Invite everyone to take a small taste from each jar, then write down their best guess as to what flavor each jar contains.

This game often results in laughter and surprises as guests discover just how difficult it can be to identify the flavors.

3. Diaper Raffle

  • Materials: Raffle tickets, a box or container for collecting tickets, a prize.
  • Instructions: Guests who bring a pack of diapers can enter the raffle by placing their ticket in the container.
  • Winner: Draw a ticket at the end of the party to determine the prize winner.

The “Diaper Raffle” game not only adds excitement to the baby shower but also helps the parents-to-be stock up on diapers.

Include a note in the invitation asking guests to bring a pack of diapers if they’d like to participate in the raffle.

As guests arrive, hand out raffle tickets and collect them in a designated container.

At the end of the party, draw a winning ticket and award the prize to the lucky winner.

4. Baby Price is Right

  • Materials: Baby items with prices hidden, paper and pens for guests.
  • Instructions: Display the items and have guests write down their guesses for the price of each item.
  • Winner: The guest with the closest total to the actual combined price of all items.

In the “Baby Price is Right” game, guests will test their knowledge of baby product prices.

Arrange a variety of baby items on a table, making sure to hide or remove their price tags.

Provide each guest with paper and a pen, and have them write down their best guesses for the cost of each item.

Once everyone has submitted their guesses, reveal the actual prices and calculate the total cost.

The guest whose total is closest to the actual combined price of all items is the winner.

This game is not only entertaining but also educational, as it gives guests a glimpse into the expenses that come with raising a baby.

5. Baby Bingo

  • Materials: Pre-made baby bingo cards, markers, small prizes.
  • Instructions: Hand out bingo cards and have guests mark off items as they are opened during the gift-opening portion of the shower.
  • Winner: The first guest to get five in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

“Baby Bingo” is a fun way to keep guests entertained during the gift-opening portion of the baby shower.

Prior to the party, create or print out bingo cards featuring various baby items that the parents-to-be may receive as gifts.

Hand out the bingo cards and markers to guests as they arrive.

As the parents-to-be open their gifts, guests will mark off the corresponding items on their bingo cards.

The first guest to get five in a row—either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally—shouts “Bingo!” and wins a small prize.

This game keeps everyone engaged and adds an element of excitement to the gift-opening process.

6. Baby Word Scramble

  • Materials: Paper with scrambled baby-related words, pens.
  • Instructions: Guests unscramble the words as quickly as possible.
  • Winner: The guest who unscrambles the most words correctly in the allotted time.

The “Baby Word Scramble” game is a great way to challenge guests’ baby-related vocabulary.

Prepare a list of baby-related words with their letters scrambled (e.g., “bttleo” for “bottle”) and print them out on paper.

Hand out the sheets to guests, and give them a set amount of time to unscramble as many words as possible.

The guest who correctly unscrambles the most words within the time limit wins a prize.

This game is not only entertaining but also a fun test of guests’ baby knowledge.

7. Diaper Relay Race

  • Materials: Diapers, baby dolls or stuffed animals, a timer.
  • Instructions: Guests race to see who can diaper the baby doll or stuffed animal the fastest.
  • Winner: The guest with the fastest diapering time.

The “Diaper Relay Race” is an energetic and competitive game that tests guests’ diaper-changing skills.

Split guests into teams and provide each team with a baby doll or stuffed animal and a diaper.

At the start signal, the first team member must diaper the doll as quickly as possible before passing it to the next team member.

The race continues until all team members have had a turn. The team with the fastest cumulative diaper-changing time wins the race.

This game adds a lively and playful element to the baby shower and encourages guests to work together as a team.

8. Name That Tune: Baby Edition

  • Materials: Playlist of baby-themed songs, paper and pens for guests.
  • Instructions: Play snippets of songs and have guests guess the song titles.
  • Winner: The guest with the most correct guesses.

In the “Name That Tune: Baby Edition” game, guests will put their musical knowledge to the test as they try to identify baby-themed songs.

Before the party, create a playlist of songs that have the word “baby” in the title or lyrics, or are otherwise related to babies.

During the game, play short snippets of each song and have guests write down their guesses for the song titles.

After all the songs have been played, reveal the correct answers and tally up the scores.

The guest with the most correct guesses wins a prize.

This game is a fun way to incorporate music into the baby shower and test guests’ knowledge of baby-related tunes.

9. Measure the Bump

  • Materials: Yarn or ribbon, scissors.
  • Instructions: Guests cut a length of yarn or ribbon to guess the size of the mom-to-be’s baby bump.
  • Winner: The guest whose length of yarn or ribbon is closest to the actual size of the baby bump.

The “Measure the Bump” game is a lighthearted activity that allows guests to have a bit of fun with the mom-to-be’s pregnancy.

Provide guests with a spool of yarn or ribbon and scissors, and ask them to cut a length that they think will be closest to the size of the mom-to-be’s baby bump.

Once everyone has made their guesses, have the mom-to-be measure her baby bump with the yarn or ribbon.

The guest whose length is closest to the actual size of the baby bump wins a prize.

This game is not only entertaining, but it also highlights the expectant mother and her growing baby.

10. Wishes for Baby

  • Materials: “Wishes for Baby” cards, pens.
  • Instructions: Guests write down their wishes and advice for the baby.
  • Keepsake: Collect the cards and present them to the parents-to-be as a heartfelt memento.

The “Wishes for Baby” activity offers a sentimental touch to the baby shower.

Provide guests with “Wishes for Baby” cards and pens, and encourage them to write down their hopes, dreams, and advice for the new baby.

After the shower, collect the cards and present them to the parents-to-be as a keepsake they can cherish for years to come.

This activity not only offers a meaningful and personal connection for guests, but also creates a lasting reminder of the love and support surrounding the new baby.

11. Nursery Rhyme Quiz

  • Materials: Nursery rhyme trivia questions, paper and pens for guests.
  • Instructions: Guests answer trivia questions related to popular nursery rhymes.
  • Winner: The guest with the most correct answers.

The “Nursery Rhyme Quiz” game is a delightful way to test guests’ knowledge of classic nursery rhymes.

Prior to the party, compile a list of trivia questions related to popular nursery rhymes, such as “What did the cow jump over in ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’?” or “Who lost her sheep in ‘Little Bo Peep’?”

Hand out the quiz sheets to guests and give them a set amount of time to answer the questions.

The guest with the most correct answers wins a prize.

This game is a fun and nostalgic way to reconnect guests with their favorite childhood nursery rhymes.

12. Baby Sock Match

  • Materials: A basket of mixed baby socks, a timer.
  • Instructions: Guests race to match as many socks as possible in a set amount of time.
  • Winner: The guest who matches the most socks in the allotted time.

In the “Baby Sock Match” game, guests will race against the clock to pair up as many baby socks as possible.

To prepare for the game, gather a large basket of mixed baby socks in various colors and patterns.

Set a timer for a specific amount of time, such as two minutes, and have guests take turns trying to match as many socks as they can within that time frame.

The guest who successfully matches the most socks wins a prize.

This game is not only entertaining, but it also serves as a humorous reminder of the challenges parents face when trying to keep track of tiny baby socks.

13. Who’s That Baby?

  • Materials: Baby photos of guests, a numbered display board, paper and pens for guests.
  • Instructions: Guests try to match the baby photos to the correct adult guests.
  • Winner: The guest with the most correct matches.

The “Who’s That Baby?” game is a fun way for guests to get to know each other and reminisce about their own childhoods.

Prior to the party, ask guests to bring a baby photo of themselves.

Arrange the photos on a numbered display board and provide each guest with a sheet of paper to write down their guesses.

After everyone has made their guesses, reveal the correct answers and see who was able to match the most baby photos to the adult guests.

This game is a charming way to bring back memories and create new connections between guests.

14. Baby Sketch Artists

  • Materials: Paper, pens, and a timer.
  • Instructions: Guests have a set amount of time to draw a baby, with the catch that they must draw with the paper on top of their head.
  • Winner: The mom-to-be chooses her favorite drawing.

In the “Baby Sketch Artists” game, guests will put their artistic skills to the test as they attempt to draw a baby with the paper balanced on their head.

Hand out paper and pens to each guest, and set a timer for a specific amount of time, such as one minute.

As guests draw their baby pictures, laughter is sure to ensue as they struggle to create recognizable images.

Once the time is up, have the mom-to-be choose her favorite drawing as the winner.

This game is a hilarious and lighthearted way to showcase guests’ creativity and bring out their inner child.

15. Baby Animal Name Game

  • Materials: A list of baby animal names, paper and pens for guests.
  • Instructions: Guests match the baby animal names to the correct adult animal names.
  • Winner: The guest with the most correct matches.

The “Baby Animal Name Game” is a delightful way to test guests’ knowledge of the animal kingdom.

Compile a list of baby animal names, such as “cub,” “joey,” or “fawn,” and print them out on paper.

Provide each guest with a sheet and have them write down the adult animal name that corresponds to each baby animal name.

The guest with the most correct matches wins a prize.

This game is not only entertaining but also educational, as guests learn about the different names for baby animals.

16. Feed the Baby

  • Materials: Baby bottles filled with a beverage, a timer.
  • Instructions: Guests race to see who can finish their baby bottle the fastest.
  • Winner: The guest who finishes their bottle first.

In the “Feed the Baby” game, guests will experience what it’s like to drink from a baby bottle.

Fill baby bottles with a beverage of your choice, such as juice or water, and hand them out to the guests.

At the start signal, guests race to see who can finish their baby bottle the fastest.

The first guest to finish their bottle wins a prize.

This game is a humorous way to give guests a taste of what it’s like to be a baby and provides plenty of laughs as they struggle to drink from the baby bottles.

17. Blindfolded Diaper Changing

  • Materials: Baby dolls or stuffed animals, diapers, blindfolds.
  • Instructions: Guests attempt to change a diaper on a baby doll or stuffed animal while blindfolded.
  • Winner: The guest who successfully changes the diaper in the shortest amount of time.

The “Blindfolded Diaper Changing” game is a hilarious way to test guests’ diaper-changing skills under pressure.

Provide each guest with a baby doll or stuffed animal, a diaper, and a blindfold.

One at a time, blindfold each guest and have them attempt to change the diaper on their doll or stuffed animal as quickly as possible.

The guest who successfully changes the diaper in the shortest amount of time wins a prize.

This game not only provides plenty of laughs but also gives guests a chance to practice their diaper-changing skills in a lighthearted setting.

18. Mommy or Daddy?

  • Materials: A list of statements about the parents-to-be, paper and pens for guests.
  • Instructions: Guests guess whether each statement applies to the mom-to-be, the dad-to-be, or both.
  • Winner: The guest with the most correct guesses.

In the “Mommy or Daddy?” game, guests will have fun learning more about the parents-to-be.

Prior to the party, create a list of statements about the mom-to-be and dad-to-be, such as “Which parent-to-be was a picky eater as a child?” or “Who is more likely to spoil the baby?”.

Hand out the list to guests, and have them guess which parent each statement applies to.

The guest with the most correct guesses wins a prize.

This game is a great way to share amusing anecdotes about the parents-to-be and give guests a chance to learn more about their personalities and histories.

19. Baby Charades

  • Materials: Slips of paper with baby-related phrases, a bowl or container, a timer.
  • Instructions: Guests act out baby-related phrases while their teammates try to guess the phrase.
  • Winner: The team with the most correct guesses in the allotted time.

“Baby Charades” is a fun and interactive way to get guests up and moving.

Prior to the party, write baby-related phrases on slips of paper (e.g., “changing a diaper,” “rocking a baby to sleep”) and place them in a bowl or container.

Divide guests into teams and have one person from each team draw a slip of paper and act out the phrase without speaking while their teammates try to guess the phrase.

Set a timer for each round and rotate turns between teams.

The team with the most correct guesses at the end of the allotted time wins.

This game is a lively way to engage guests in friendly competition while acting out the joys and challenges of parenthood.

20. Baby Shower Mad Libs

  • Materials: Pre-made baby shower Mad Libs sheets, pens.
  • Instructions: Guests fill in the blanks with words to create a funny story.
  • Keepsake: Read the completed Mad Libs aloud for a good laugh.

“Baby Shower Mad Libs” is a creative and amusing way to involve guests in crafting a humorous story.

Before the party, create or print out baby shower-themed Mad Libs sheets with blanks for guests to fill in with words, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Hand out the sheets and pens to guests and have them fill in the blanks with their chosen words.

After everyone has completed their Mad Libs, read the finished stories aloud for a good laugh.

This game not only provides entertainment but also serves as a lighthearted reminder that parenting can be filled with unexpected surprises and laughter.

Tips for Choosing The Right Baby Shower Games

When planning a baby shower, it’s important to consider the preferences of the parents-to-be.

Make sure the games and activities you choose are in line with their tastes and comfort levels.

Keep the party length manageable, as both the expectant parents and guests may become tired after a few hours.

Plan a mix of active and passive games to accommodate various energy levels and interests.

Finally, provide small prizes or tokens of appreciation for game winners to make the games even more engaging and enjoyable.


Baby shower games are a wonderful way to bring guests together, create lasting memories, and celebrate the upcoming arrival of a little one.

By incorporating a variety of games that cater to different interests and skill levels, you’ll ensure that your baby shower is a joyous and engaging event for everyone involved.

Happy planning!