How to Get Rid of Mummy Tummy After C-section: Top 8 Tips

You recently underwent a C-section surgery and delivered a healthy baby, but you are now wondering how to get back in shape. 

All you can think about is how to get rid of mummy tummy after C-section.

When you have a C-section, the doctor cuts open your abdomen to perform surgery. 

The doctor must work around your fat and muscles to safely deliver the baby. After that, they’ll have to re-stitch everything back together.

Given the nature of the surgery, you must first ensure that you have fully recovered before you even think about getting rid of your mummy tummy.

So, let’s take a look at what you can do to get back in shape and how you can do this safely.

What causes a mummy tummy after C-section?

There are two sides to this. The first is your pregnancy, and the second is the surgical procedure itself.


Pregnancy causes physical and hormonal changes in all women. 

As the baby grows within your womb, your body begins to gain weight, the skin around your belly begins to thin, and the muscles around your abdomen begin to stretch.

This is a normal part of childbirth and occurs in nearly every new mother.

Additionally, some women experience a health problem known as diastasis recti

Essentially, diastasis recti is when the muscles around your abdomen split abnormally as your baby grows in the tummy. 


A mother may choose a C-section surgical delivery over a vaginal delivery for various reasons. 

Most of the time, your doctor will recommend a cesarean delivery if there is an issue with the baby’s position and size, a problem with the umbilical cord or the placenta, stalled labour, or general health problems.

A cesarean delivery involves a cut around the abdomen. The doctors will then sew the incision, giving the lower abdomen the appearance of a tight belt or band.

The combination of these two factors, pregnancy and surgery, results in a protruding belly and an overhang over the tight incision.

As you can see, there is a good reason behind the mummy tummy. So don’t feel bad about it!

Now that we’ve covered the basics let’s talk about how to get rid of mummy tummy after C-section.

Can you get rid of the mummy tummy after C-section?

Your belly will naturally decrease in the first few weeks after you’ve given birth. 

The uterus will begin to contract during this time, and the extra fluid will start to leave your body.

However, the belly never gets back to its prepartum state for some women, meaning that extra effort will be required.

And although getting rid of this pouch is entirely possible, you will have to have some patience.   

How to get rid of mummy tummy after C-section?

You can lose your mommy tummy by following the methods listed below.

  • Breastfeed your child
  • Use a postpartum belt/girdle
  • Get enough sleep
  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat healthier
  • Adopt a healthy and active lifestyle
  • Stay relaxed and de-stress yourself
  • Get tested for diastasis recti
  • Exercise

Let’s look at some of these methods in detail.

1. Breastfeed your child

The best part about breastfeeding is that you can begin as soon as your baby is born.

Breastfeeding can help you lose weight and flatten your stomach. 

It not only burns an additional 500 calories per day, but it also releases oxytocin. 

This hormone promotes uterine contractions, accelerating your uterus’ return to its pelvic home. 

According to the American Pregnancy Association, breastfeeding women secretes between 425 and 700 calories per day in breast milk.

Your body must work extra hard to produce this special milk for the newborn. 

To burn the same number of calories, you would need to run for approximately an hour at an average speed!

2. Use a postpartum belt/girdle

Tying your tummy may help you hide the mummy belly in the first few weeks after your C-section. 

Doing this also provides support for your weakened and loosened abdominal muscles. 

It may also assist in the healing of the wound. 

3. Sleep well

Sleep is a critical component of the weight-loss process. 

Not only can sleep help with weight loss, but it also aids mental health, which is closely linked to physical well-being.

Sleep deprivation can result in the secretion of the hormone cortisol. 

Cortisol, or the stress hormone, is typically linked to weight gain.

For new mothers, getting a good night’s sleep can be tricky. 

Thus, a mother should make it a habit to nap whenever her baby is asleep.

4. Eat Healthier

Consider food as fuel for your body. If the fuel is of high quality, the body will run smoothly and without problems. 

Therefore, the most vital step in your quest to lose your mummy tummy is to provide your body with nutritious food.

Pay close attention to what you are putting into your body. 

Keep track of everything you eat and how much of each nutrient and mineral you take in.

See if you can cut back on your indulgences and replace them with healthier options.

Remove the below items from your diet:

  1. Processed meals and fats
  2. Sugary foods/drinks
  3. Carbonated drinks
  4. Soda
  5. Fast food or junk food
  6. White bread
  7. Cookies, cakes, and pastries

Add the below items into your diet:

  1. Beans and lentils
  2. Eggs
  3. Nuts and dried fruits
  4. Oatmeal
  5. Cruciferous veggies
  6. Fruits
  7. Whole grains

5. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water and eating lots of fruits and vegetables with a high water content can help breastfeeding mothers produce more milk and lose weight.

Water fills your stomach, making you feel full and lowering your appetite. 

As a result, you’ll be less prone to overeat and add unnecessary calories to your body.

If plain water isn’t your thing, add some citrus or fresh mint to it. 

Cucumber water is also a delicious option. 

Water-rich snacks, such as watermelon, cucumber, celery, and lettuce, are also excellent choices.

6. Improve your lifestyle

A healthy and active lifestyle is critical for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy weight. 

For example, you could stop adding extra sauce to your meals and commute to work on a bicycle instead of driving.

Other things you can do are:

  • Quit Smoking and heavy drinking
  • Don’t drink juice or soda with your meal
  • Practice Yoga and meditation
  • Sleep early and adequately
  • Take the stairs if you have to go to the 3rd floor
  • Try to walk while on a phone call
  • Lead a stress-free life

7. Get tested for diastasis recti 

Diastasis recti is a medical condition that necessitates the attention of a doctor or professional. 

Physiotherapy can help to reverse the split in the abdominal muscles.

It is important to get checked for diastasis recti because certain physical activities could worsen the problem. 

Diastasis recti is a relatively common post-pregnancy occurrence, especially for mothers who are over 35 years old.

8. Exercise – Burn them calories

A balanced diet and an active lifestyle can definitely assist you in your weight loss efforts. 

Exercising, on the other hand, can further speed up the process.

If we want to lose weight and get rid of excess body fat, we must burn more calories than we take in. 

Although we already burn calories simply by going about our daily lives, we know that this is not enough. 

As a result, we must incorporate more physical activity into our daily routine.

Walking should be your only form of exercise during the first several weeks of your c-section

You can gradually raise the intensity (whenever your doctor says it is ok for you to do so) by jogging or running. 

Skipping ropes, resistance bands, cycling, or swimming are all excellent ways to spice up the workout!

In addition, planks and kegels can help you improve your core muscles and pelvic floor.

The video below shows how to do a plank correctly:


Keep in touch with your doctor while integrating these new activities and exercises into your daily life. 

Pregnancy and childbirth affect you not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. 

So, you mustn’t go through this journey on your own! 

I hope this article gave you the answer you needed, but remember to always call your doctor for any concerns.